Online Science Olympiad Level 2 Classes for Grade 6
Olympiads lay the groundwork for excelling in competitive exams and strengthening essential skills. The Level 2 Science Olympiad course boosts students' understanding of scientific concepts, logical reasoning, and analytical abilities.
At Olympiad Success Live, our Level 2 course for Science Olympiad is tailored for Class 6 students with the help of skilled tutors. This program ensures a robust foundation to help students success in Level 2 Science Olympiad.
Ready to get started? Click here to check complete details like batch timings, demo schedules, fees, and start date.
Food and its Components
- Food and nutrients
- Ingredients of food
- Sources of food
- Food habits of animals
- Food chain
- Components of food: Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins, water, roughage
- Testing of nutrients
- Nutrients in some common food items
- Different types of food
- Energy-giving foods
- Body-building foods
- Protective foods
- Balanced diet
- Deficiency diseases
- Deficiency of carbohydrate
- Deficiency of proteins and fats: Kwashiorkor, Marasmus
- Deficiency of vitamins and minerals: Scurvy, rickets, anaemia, goitre
Fibre to Fabric
- Clothing material-history
- Kinds of fibre
- Natural fibre: Cotton (Ginning, spinning, weaving), Wool, Silk, Jute
- Synthetic fibre
- Properties, manufacture and uses of natural and synthetic fibres
Sorting and Separation of Materials
- Matter - it's meaning and composition
- States of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases
- Characteristics of Solids, Liquids and Gases (Shape, texture and Volume)
- Distinguishing properties of Solids, liquids and Gases
- Classification of matter
- Properties of materials: Appearance, lustre, texture, state, solubility in water, Density-floating and sinking, transparency
- Mixture and pure substances
- Mixture (components of more than one substance combine in any proportion, original properties of the components are retained)
- Types of mixture: Homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture
- Properties of mixtures
- Necessity of separation
- Methods of separation
- Separating solids from other solids
- Threshing and winnowing
- Hand-picking
- Sieving
- Separating insoluble solids from liquids
- Sedimentation and decantation
- Filtration
- Loading
- Application of methods of separation-obtaining drinking water
- Separating soluble solids from liquids
- Separating liquids: miscible and immiscible liquids
- Separation using more than one method
- Solubility
- Solvent, solute and solution
- Universal solvent
- Importance of water as a solvent
- Effect of temperature on solubility
Changes Around Us
- Cause that can bring about changes in Shape, size, position, colour, state, internal structure
- Reversible and irreversible changes
- Physical and chemical changes
- Changes when different substances are mixed: Example, Reaction between washing soda and lemon juice
- Exothermic and endothermic reaction
- Other types of changes: Fast, slow, periodic and non-periodic changes
Living Organisms and their Surroundings
- Biotic components and their interactions
- Producers
- Consumers
- Decomposers
- Interactions among biotic components
- Abiotic components and their interactions with biotic components
- Habitat and types of habitat
- Aquatic or water habitats: Marine, freshwater, and coastal habitats
- Terrestrial or land habitats: Desert, grassland, rainforest, tundra or polar habitats
- Adaptations
- Adaptations for desert habitats, water habitats, polar and mountain habitats, grassland habitats, tropical rainforests habitats, aquatic habitats
- Characteristics of the living beings
- Food, growth, respiration, responding to stimuli, reproduction, living organisms and excretion, movement
Motion and Measurement of Distances
- Physical quantities
- Standard units
- Multiples and submultiples of units
- Measurement of Length
- Concept of length as distance between two points
- Measurement of length (ruler, measuring tape)
- Units (with symbol and full name)
- Measuring the length of a curved line: Using thread and using a divider
- Measurement of Mass
- Concept of Mass as matter contained in an object
- Measurement of Mass (Beam Balance, Electronic Balance)
- Units (with symbol and full name)
- Measurement of Time
- Concept of time and explanation in terms of hours, minutes and seconds
- Measurement of Time (clock, watch, stop watch)
- Units (with symbol and full name)
- Measurement of Temperature
- Temperature as a measure of degree of hotness or coldness of body
- Measurement of temperature (clinical thermometer, laboratory thermometer)
- Normal temperature of a human body
- Units (with symbol and full name)
- Measurement of Area
- Definition of motion
- Types of motion
- Translatory motion
- Rotational motion
- Periodic motion
- Different motions at the same time
Light, Shadow and Reflections
- Sources of light
- Luminous objects
- Non-luminous objects
- Rays and beam
- Transparent, opaque and translucent object
- Rectilinear Propagation of Light
- Applications of rectilinear propagation of light
- Pinhole camera
- Principle and Working
- Factors on which the size of the image produced depends on
- Shadows
- Umbra
- Penumbra
- Natural Shadows – Eclipse
- Solar eclipse
- Lunar eclipse
- Difference between shadows and images
- Reflection of light by a plane mirror
Electricity and Circuits
- Electric current
- Electric circuits
- Electric components
- Conductors and insulators
- Testing which substance is a conductor and which is an insulator
- Electric cells: Dry cell, car battery, solar cell, button cell (no technical knowledge to be given)
Fun with Magnets
- Magnetic and non-magnetic substances
- Characteristics of a magnet
- Properties of magnets
- Poles of magnet
- Magnetic field around a magnet
- Earth’s magnetic field
- Making of Magnets
- Permanent & temporary magnets and their uses
- Electromagnets and choice of material for the core of the electromagnet
- Care & storage of magnets
- Demagnetization by heating, hammering and electricity
Our Environment
- Importance of water in everyday life (household purposes, industry, watering plants, etc.)
- Water resources (well, river, hand pump, lakes, pond, etc.)
- Water cycle
- Change of state of water
- Capacity to dissolve many salts in it
- Definition of Solute, Solvent and Solution
- Importance of water for sustenance of life on earth
- Reasons for water pollution; its prevention; conservation of water
- Air is present everywhere around us
- Air - a mixture of gases namely, nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour; dust and smoke as pollutants
- Percentage composition of air
- Uses of the components present (importance of nitrogen to plants to be mentioned)
- Definition of atmosphere as layer of air around the earth
- Oxygen cycle
- Type of waste
- Biodegradable waste
- Non-biodegradable waste
- Reusing and recycling waste
- Segregation of waste
- Recycling biodegradable waste
- Reusing and recycling paper
- Reusing and recycling non-biodegradable waste
- Disposal of plastics
- Advantages of recycling
- Ways to reduce waste
- Four R’s of managing waste
Getting to Know Plants
- Types of plants: Herbs, shrubs, trees, climbers, creepers
- Parts of plant: Roots, stem, leaf, flower
Body Movements
- Human skeletal system
- Parts of human skeletal system
- Types of joints
- Movement of bones
- Movement in other animals