Online Science Olympiad Classes for Grade 7

Olympiads are the stepping stones to achieve better results in the competitive world that lies ahead in the life of the child. Science Olympiad examinations help students to improve their analytical and problem solving abilities.

Hence, Olympiad Success Live has designed the course for Science Olympiad for class 7 in such a way that the foundation of the child is built up. For this, we have done great efforts in finding the tutor for class 7 Science Olympiad with relevant background and experience.

If you are interested in purchasing this course, then please Enrol Now. You will be redirected to the batch detail page, wherein you can see all the details like batch start and demo dates, fess and the registration link related to Science Olympiad for class 7 course.


Nutrition in Plants and Animals

  • Nutrition in plants and its types
  • Autotrophic nutrition in plants
    • Experimental investigation
      • To test a leaf for starch
      • To show that light is necessary for photosynthesis
      • To show that rate of photosynthesis is affected by light
      • Chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis
      • Carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
    • Synthesis of food other than carbohydrates by plants
  • Heterotrophic nutrition
    • Heterotrophic nutrition in plants
    • Saprotrophs
  • Replenishing nutrients in the soil
  • Nutrition in amoeba, hydra and frog
  • The human digestive system
    • a) Digestion in the mouth
    • Digestion in the stomach
    • Digestion in the small intestine
    • Absorption in the small intestine
    • Assimilation
    • Egestion
  • Ruminants

Fibre to Fabric

  • Climate and Clothes
  • Natural fibres
    • Vegetable fibre
    • Animal fibre
  • Wool
    • Types of wool
    • From hair to wool
      • Rearing
      • Shearing
      • Scouring
      • Sorting
      • Dyeing
      • Making yarns
  • Silk
    • Life cycle of a silk moth
    • Sericulture
  • Health conditions of workers in the wool and sericulture industry
    • Sorter’s disease
    • Respiratory disease
    • Scabies and other skin infections


  • Heat as a form of energy and its units, joule(J) and calorie (cal)
  • Temperature
    • Different units of Temperature (°C, °F, K)
    • Conversion from one scale to another
    • Measuring temperature
    • The laboratory thermometer
    • The clinical thermometer
  • Effects of Heat
    • Change in temperature
    • Change in size (Expansion and contraction)
      • Expansion in liquids
      • Expansion in solids
      • Expansion in gases
      • Expansion around us
    • Change in state
    • Good conductors and bad conductors of heat and their examples
    • Choice of conductors and insulators in day to day life (Pan handles, metal cooking utensils etc.)
  • Methods of Heat Transfer
    • Conduction
    • Convection
      • Convection in gases
      • Sea and land breezes
      • Application of convection
    • Radiation
      • Absorption of heat
      • Application of radiation
  • Thermos Flask: (Application of heat transfer)
    • Construction
    • Working

Acid, Bases and Salts

  • Acids
  • Bases
  • Salts
  • Testing for acids and bases
    • Litmus
    • Turmeric powder
    • China rose petals
  • Types of acids
    • Mineral and organic acid
    • Concentrated and dilute acid
  • Properties of acids
    • Reaction with metals
    • Reaction with carbonates
    • Reaction with bases
  • Uses of acids
    • Hydrochloric acid
    • Sulphuric acid
    • Nitric acid
  • Types of bases
    • Strong and weak bases
  • Properties of bases
    • Reaction with acids
  • Uses of bases
    • Calcium hydroxide
    • Sodium hydroxide
    • Ammonium hydroxide
    • Other bases
  • Preparation of salts
    • Reaction between an acid and a base
    • Reaction between an acid and a metal
    • Reaction between vegetable oil and caustic soda
    • Naming salts
  • Properties of salts
  • Uses of salts

Physical and Chemical Changes

  • Physical and chemical changes
  • Chemical change - formation of a new product with new properties
  • Differentiating between physical and chemical change
  • Classification as physical & chemical change
  • Characteristics of chemical reactions
    • Evolution of a gas
    • Change of colour
    • Formation of precipitate
    • Change in energy
      • Endothermic reactions
      • Exothermic reactions
    • Change of state
  • Types of chemical reactions
    • Combination reaction
    • Decomposition reaction
    • Single displacement reaction
    • Double displacement reaction
      • Precipitation reaction
      • Neutralisation reaction
    • Oxidation and reduction reactions
  • Separating a solid from a solution
    • By evaporation
    • Crystallisation

Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate

  • Weather
    • Elements of weather
      • Temperature
      • Humidity and rainfall
      • Winds
    • Predicting the weather
  • Climate
  • Effect of the sun on climate
  • Climate and adaptation
    • Adaptation of animals
    • Adaptations to cold climates
      • Polar bears
      • Penguins
      • Birds
      • Seals
    • Adaptation to hot climates-deserts
    • Adaptation to hot and wet climates-tropical rainforests

Winds, Storms and Cyclones

  • Air pressure
    • Power of air pressure
    • Air exerts pressure in all directions
  • High speed wind causes reduced pressure
  • Air expands on heating
  • Wind currents
    • Wind currents due to uneven heating between equator and poles
    • Wind currents due to uneven heating of land and water
  • Thunderstorms, cyclones and tornadoes
  • Cyclone forecasting and warning

Natural Resources and Their Conservation

  • Our natural resources
    • From who do we get these natural resources: Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere
  • Renewable and non-renewable resources
  • Water - a renewable resource
    • Shortage of water
    • States of water
    • Water cycle
    • Groundwater
      • Depletion of water table
    • Water conservation
  • Forest wealth
    • Prevent floods and maintain the water table
    • Prevent soil erosion
    • Supply oxygen
    • Absorb carbon dioxide
    • Cool the air and increase rainfall
    • Provide food and shelter for wildlife
    • Forests products
  • Plants also depend on animals
  • Producers, consumers and decomposers
  • Food chain
  • Balance in nature
  • Forest conservation
  • Wastewater and sewage
  • Importance of drainage and sanitation
  • The sewage system
    • Sewage treatment
    • Wastewater treatment plant
  • Better housekeeping practices
  • Alternate methods for sewage disposal

Respiration in Organism

  • Respiration in plants
    • Root respiration
  • Respiration in animals
    • Through cell membrane or skin
    • Through air holes
    • Through gills
    • Through lungs
  • The respiratory system in humans
    • Breathing in
    • To the lungs
    • In the lungs
    • How air enters the lungs
    • Cellular respiration
  • Types of respiration
    • Aerobic respiration
    • Anaerobic respiration
  • Difference between combustion and cellular respiration
  • Difference between breathing and cellular respiration

Transportation in Plants and Animals

  • Transportation of materials in plants: Vascular system, xylem, phloem, osmosis
    • Transportation of water and minerals
    • Transportation of food
  • Transportation of materials in animals
    • Transportation in humans
      • The blood
      • The blood vessels
      • The heart
      • Plasma
      • Blood cells: Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets
    • Heartbeat and pulse
  • Excretion
    • Excretion in animals
    • Excretion in humans
    • Sweating

Reproduction in Plants

  • Asexual reproduction in plants
    • Fragmentation
    • Budding
    • Spore formation
  • Vegetative reproduction in plants
  • Artificial methods of vegetative reproduction
    • Grafting
    • Cutting
    • Layering
    • Tissue culture
    • Advantages of vegetative reproduction
  • Sexual reproduction
    • Sexual reproduction in plants
    • Pollination
      • Insect pollination
      • Wind pollination
    • Fertilization
    • Seed formation
    • Fruit formation
    • Dispersal of seeds
      • Wind
      • Water
      • Animals
      • Explosion of fruits
    • Germination of seeds

Motion and Time

  • Measurement
  • Standard units: metre, kilogram, second, kelvin
  • Measurement of time
    • Simple pendulum
    • Sand clock and sundial
  • Motion as a change in position of an object with respect to time
  • Types of motion
    • Translatory
    • Circulatory
    • Oscillatory
    • Repetitive (Periodic and Non-Periodic)
    • Random
  • Uniform and non-uniform motion: Concept of distance and speed (average speed)
  • Weight
    • Concept
    • Differences between mass and weight
  • Speed
  • Distance-time graph for uniform motion

Electric Current and its Effect

  • Electric current and electric circuits
    • Components of an electric current
      • The cell or battery
      • The switch
      • Appliance such as a bulb
      • Conducting wires
      • Resistors
    • Circuit diagram
  • Electric current as a flow of charges
  • Electric cell as source of electricity
  • Resistors as components that oppose the flow of current
  • Simple electric circuit - Series and Parallel
  • Battery as a collection of cells connected in series
  • Good and Bad conductors of electricity
  • Potential difference
  • Effects of electric current
    • Heating and lighting effect
    • The electric fuse is based on the heating effect of current
    • Magnetic effect
  • Solenoid
  • The electromagnet
    • Uses of electromagnet
      • The electric bell
    • Test for a magnet (by repulsion)


  • Rectilinear propagation of light
  • Reflection of light: Definition and examples
  • Terms related to reflection - Normal, plane, point of incidence, angle of incidence, angle of reflection
  • Laws of Reflection
  • Real and virtual images
  • Plane mirror
    • Uses
    • Ray Diagram (no mention of virtual image)
    • Characteristics of the image formed (Lateral Inversion, same size, distance is preserved)
  • Spherical mirrors: Concave mirror, Convex mirror
    • Principal focus
    • Image formed by a spherical mirror
    • Uses of spherical mirror
  • Differences between images formed by plane, concave and convex mirror
  • Speed of light (3 X 108 m/s)
  • Primary colours (RGB)
  • Formation of secondary colours by colour addition
  • Appearance of colour of an object (Based on reflection and absorption)
  • Colour subtraction
  • Lenses
    • Terms related to lenses
    • Principal focus and focal length
    • Image formed by a lens
  • The spectrum
    • Rainbow
    • Prism

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